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Margate Film Festival is looking for a new team of enthusiastic volunteers to help shape the 2024 festival. Get in touch for more information.

Taste Of Cement

An intimate and poetic portrait of Syrian construction workers building new skyscrapers in Beirut on the ruins caused by the Lebanese civil war.

Sisters with Transistors

The remarkable untold story of electronic music’s female pioneers who embraced machines to utterly transform how we produce and listen to music today.

Worlds of Ursula K. Le Guin

An intimate insight into the real and imaginary worlds of Ursula K Le Guin, one of the most prolific, pioneering sci-fi writers of all time.

No Straight Lines

A celebration of the pioneers of LGBTQI+ cartoons and graphic novels, documenting how they tackled issues of identity with pen and paper.

Margate Time Warp

Take a trip through time and experience Margate on film over the last 100 years. Suitable for all ages.
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